HealthWho benefits from the e-cigarette? EU tobacco directive is recommended’February 16, 2022 Published by February 16, 20220978 ‘In Europe there was once the idea to only allow the e-cigarette if there was a recognition as a medicine. But it turned out differently’,...
HealthJoy Organics – What Are the Best CBD Caps?April 13, 2021May 25, 2021 Published by April 13, 2021May 25, 20210752 Joy Organic CBD Caps is one of the best CBD caps on the market. As you may have guessed, they are manufactured by Joy Health,...
HealthWorking temporarily in the NetherlandsNovember 17, 2020November 8, 2021 Published by November 17, 2020November 8, 20210735 Everyone residing in the Netherlands is obliged to have Dutch health insurance. Are you temporarily coming to work in the Netherlands as a foreigner? In...